How far along? It’s Friday of week 33 (the weeks begin on Sunday).
Total weight gain: Pre-pregnancy weight: 131 pounds. This morning I weighed 156.8…approximately 26 pounds so far. Pretty much on target….6 more weeks to gain 6 more pounds….hmmmm….we’ll see how that pans out…
Baby’s size/development this week: Baby is about 4 pounds and 19 inches long (that’s almost 2 feet!!).
Maternity clothes: So glad it’s getting warm, so I can wear more dresses. I’m getting pret-ty sick of spandex around my waist!!
Miss anything? Moving like a normal person, exercising like a normal person, spring races and training (I know, I know, I’m training for my delivery date, but I’m talking about 5Ks and halfs!), being free from the effects of relaxin!!!!! I hate relaxin!!!! (Although when I think of how pregnancy and labor would be if your body didn’t produce it, I’m sure it’s a lifesaver in the end.)
Food cravings: Hmmmm….Ice cream? How convenient! I’m eating a grapefruit right now (and have been eating a LOT of fruit…strawberries earlier). I have been wanting some El Vaquero…
Anything making you queasy or sick? No queasiness whatsoever.
Sleep: Didn’t sleep well on Tuesday and Wednesday, but have been otherwise sleeping well.
Best moment of the week:
Yoga: I really enjoyed my prenatal yoga class this week. I was tired and it kicked my ass, but the end where we were doing the relaxation (shavasana/corpse pose - basically laying on the floor with my eyes closed) was REALLY nice. Also, I want to become more flexible, so I’m hoping the class helps with that.
Other best moments: Anytime I’ve been able to relax with Chad – we took a walk on Tuesday evening when the weather was so nice, and last night we sat on the sofa.
Childbirth preparation class: Monday night was our last class, which I’m putting in best moments of the week for two reasons 1.) I really enjoyed learning all the midwife had to offer as well as meeting with other expectant parents, but 2.) I am glad we don’t have to stay out ‘til almost 10:00PM every Monday, which was past our bedtime, and a big strain on our already bursting schedule!! The six sessions were: relaxation, labor, birth, complications, breastfeeding, post-natal care.
Nursery: The nursery is starting to look super cute!! I’m going to post pictures soon! We now have a woodland animal rug and a REALLY cute hand carved fox stool.
Weddings rings on or off? Still no swelling!! Knock on wood…only 6 more weeks to go…I’m really hoping the swelling never starts, because that’s something I’m not okay with (unless I have to be).
Belly Button: Still in!! Chad says that it’s trying its hardest to stay in. I don’t know…I don’t think it’s going to pop out, although I guess you never know. Most people’s do…
Movement? Lots of movement! If I look down right now I can see my stomach moving all about, which is really weird because I’m wearing a trippy striped dress. I’m either pregnant or on some really weird psychedelics…
Labor signs? Not to my knowledge. I think I’ve felt several Braxton Hicks contractions though…. Sometimes I can just feel a weird tightening in my stomach.
Weird pregnancy thing of the week:
Videoing Movement: This week I’ve been taking a lot of videos of my stomach, trying to capture the movement. A lot of times the darn baby will stop moving the second I start filming!! Also, it can be difficult to see movement when taking a close-up video of your own stomach – I rested a jar of coconut oil (closest thing at hand) on my stomach and started videoing – you could definitely see the jar moving all about!!
Noting Placement of Baby: Last night my back was bothering me on the right side (as it has been lately) and I look down at my stomach and it’s COMPLETELY full on the right side and COMPLETELY empty on the left side!!! I told Chad: “Poke my stomach on the left side,” and he gingerly brushed it with his fingers. And I was like “No! I mean a serious poke, dig in there!!” So he did. Then I said “Okay, now try and do the same thing on the right side!” Of course, he couldn’t poke at all because it was completely full of baby. It’s laying in there head down, with my right side cradling its back and butt – and it literally shows
Hiccups: Sometimes I can feel hiccups and it’s so cute! They never last for very long, but they’re just rhythmic little movements in my stomach.
Daddy is feeling: Very excited that baby is getting so big! I've been very busy still, making sure that everything is ready for when the baby arrives. I'm also very thankful that both grandparents keep getting stuff for the baby!
(Mommy is also going to add that Daddy is VERY, VERY, VERY busy right now trying to keep up with a hectic work schedule as well as his classes – and preparing for the baby, AND half-marathon training!! There are at least two day a week where he gets up and does a training run at 6:30, goes into work at 9:00, goes to class at noon, goes back to work afterwards and then gets home around midnight. Three more weeks of classes and things will get a little more reasonable for him, but until then, please keep Daddy’s mental health in your thoughts. But also, have no fear, because Daddy is also kicking ass at school and getting A’s in all his assignments!!! Daddy is a rock star!!)
Mommy is feeling: Pretty good. Ready to be un-pregnant. This morning I was thinking how excited I would be when we place the baby on my stomach and watch it crawl up to my chest for the first time. I try not to think about the lack of sleep aspect, because I love to get my 7-8 hours of solid sleep at night. Oh well, it won’t last forever, right!?
Workouts this week:
Saturday: Elliptical - 4.5 miles/1 hour 2 minutes (AM)
Sunday: Took the day off – but we did a lot of cleaning
Monday: Elliptical – 2.7 miles/33 minutes (AM)
Tuesday: Elliptical – 2.56 miles/35 minutes (AM)
Wednesday: Prenatal yoga (PM)
Thursday: Slept in!
Friday: Elliptical – 2.55 miles/30 minutes (AM)
Books I am/we are reading:
Running Through the Wall: Personal Encounters with the Ultramarathon, Neal Jamison – interesting compilation of short stories by various people (aka crazy people) in the ultrarunning community.
Eat and Run by Scott Jurek – Chad is reading this book for our bedtime story….Scott Jurek is one of THE ultrarunners...he’s probably one of the 2-3 most well-known ultrarunners out there. Chad usually reads me a chapter per night and I love this part of our day :)
The Birth Book by William Sears – I’ve been reading various sections of this on and off. I have really enjoyed the books by Sears (have also read a good portion of the Baby Book), which focus on attachment style parenting, which Chad and I will (most likely) naturally tend towards. I’m enjoying the Birth Book because it focuses on a natural approach with an open mind (i.e. have an ideal plan in mind, but keep your mind open to various possibilities because births don’t always go according to plan. Having only one plan set in stone can lead to disappointment and feelings of failure). Barring any unforeseen medical challenges, I plan to listen to and work with my body, and to minimize pain by minimizing fear (and/or changing tactics) and accepting and trusting that my body was made to carry out the task at hand. In fact, I think that’s a pretty good birth mantra!! “Listen to my body. My body was made to do this!”
Looking forward to:
--Picking up Chad’s race packet for the Clintonville 5K after work today.
--Living vicariously through Chad when he runs the Clintonville 5K tomorrow morning. I can’t wait to see how he does!! He ran it in 21:24 race (6:55 minute pace) last year…can’t wait to see if he PRs tomorrow!!
--My doula (aka my mom) is supposed to visit me tomorrow (Saturday afternoon through Sunday morning). Looking forward to that! Which reminds me! I need to put together a birth plan tonight!!!!!!
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