How far along? 30 weeks today!
Total weight gain: 24 pounds
Baby’s size/development this week:
Maternity clothes: My stomach is starting to get too large for my "small" maternity shirts.
Miss anything? Not feeling whale-like. Easy tasks being easy (i.e. getting out of bed)
Food cravings: I am attempting to make a 3-layer coconut cake today, if that tells you anything...
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nope!
Sleep: Not too bad. Laurel was raspy and congested so I was up a lot in the night worrying about her, repositioning her, making her drink water, etc.
Best moment of the week: Realizing that the pretty severe pelvic pain I Had earlier in the week wasn't permanent.
Nursery: None to speak of.
Weddings rings on or off? On! An improvement over last pregnancy when they were off at this juncture.
Belly Button: In!
Movement? The movements are going transitioning from "cute" to "yeow!"
Labor signs? NO!!
Weird pregnancy thing of the week: Not weird, but pretty sure I have Symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD) and earlier in the week, it HURT. Rolling over in bed was extremely painful, as were stairs, and even walking. I was worried that the next 10 weeks were going to be a nightmare, but it seems like it's gotten better with some rest. I'm going to try backing off the super stretchy poses in yoga and see if that helps.
Daddy is feeling: "Pretty good, all things considered! My hamstrings are kind of sore, which I'm pretty sure is due to my back issue, but other than that, I feel pretty good. I feel better having taken that Advil...I just need to get through the day." (<--That's what he said when said "Daddy, how are you feeling!?)
Mommy is feeling: Slow and lumbering
Workouts this week:
Sunday: Rest due to pelvic pain
Monday: Rest due to pelvic pain
Tuesday: Aqua aerobics at gym
Wednesday: 2 mile walk with the family in the warm spring-like air
Thursday: Aqua aerobics at gym with Daddy!
Friday: No workouts but a pretty active day cleaning, getting Everett from daycare, shopping, etc.
Saturday: 35 minutes on the elliptical
Books I'm Reading/Media I'm Ingesting:
Endure: Mind, Body, and the Curiously Elastic Limits of Human Performance
Patanjali's Yoga
Black Faces in White Places
Outside Podcast
Looking forward to:
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