How far along? I was officially 30 weeks on Friday
(3/25). I am officially ¾ of the way
through this pregnancy!!
Total weight gain: I currently weigh 160 (started off at
133)…I’ve gained 27 pounds so far and have 10 weeks left to go. I will almost undoubtedly gain more than the
25-35 pounds recommended, but hopefully not too much more. I’m currently at the weight I was when I gave
birth to Everett (albeit I did go into labor one month early)
size/development this week: The internet is telling me that the baby weighs
2 ½ - 3 pounds and is 16 inches long.
Maternity clothes: It was 70 degrees on Sunday and I rocked my
maternity cut offs when Everett and I went to the park!! So excited for the opportunity to wear them
more over the next 10-ish weeks!!
Miss anything? Cuddling with my husband when we watch shows
in the evenings. Not having achy
ligaments. Not having a sluggish
digestive tract due to all the space being taken up by the baby. Being able to work out. Not feeling exhausted (wait – will that one
Food cravings: All of the food? My dream in this pregnancy, as in last, is
still to sit around and eat an entire box of berry Kix or Peanut Butter Bumpers
with milk….I should really do that at least once before giving birth…
Anything making
you queasy or sick? No. Although I ate two huge pieces of carrot cake
on Saturday and I felt slightly sick after that, but that was more due to sheer
quantity of food and not particular pregnancy related. I still contend it was worth it!
Sleep: We have a toddler, so everything is different
than my updates from the last pregnancy!
I *THINK* Everett has been getting in his two year molars in the past
week (and will continue to be for the next couple weeks?) I can’t say for sure, but he has been
difficult to put down to sleep in the evenings, and has often woken up
screaming in the middle of the night, but other than that, we’re all sleeping
through the night for the most part.
Best moment of the
week: A lunch date Franklin Park
Conservatory with Everett on Friday followed by a visit to see Daddy at work
was pretty fun. So was a family walk in
the park on Sunday afternoon! Also,
Easter dinner with Chad’s family on Saturday was pretty awesome: ribs, scalloped potatoes, mac and cheese, and
a fresh asparagus/roasted tomato salad.
Followed by that carrot cake J
Nursery: We don’t have a nursery, we have a play room,
and it won’t be updated very much. We do
need to purchase a bigger bed soon though…
Weddings rings on
or off? On, although I have
swelling in the mornings, so I can’t get them off for a couple hours…
Belly Button: My belly button is a champion, so it’s in. Or maybe it’s kind of been stretched into
Movement? Movement every day! Shudders, kicks, and rolls.
Labor signs? No labor signs yet (thank goodness!) I have lots of uncomfortable Braxton Hicks
each evening, which I really don’t like at all, but aside from that, I’m
hanging in there.
Weird pregnancy
thing of the week: Nothing weird, I
guess. Everett and I went to the doctor
on Friday to get a Rogham shot since I’m a negative blood type. He was very well behaved and reserved the
WHOLE doctor’s visit. I was very proud J
OH – one weird thing is how sometimes I feel SUPER
pregnant. Just walking to the bathroom
at work or rolling over in bed, my ligaments ache, my stomach feels huge, and I
feel that I just cannot be pregnant another moment. But then there were moments last week when I
was staying home with Everett, and I had him hoisted on my hip, laundry basket
in hand, running up and down stairs, when I would completely forget I was
pregnant. In those moments, I would
think “Wow! What a bad ass!”
Daddy is feeling: “Daddy is very excited for the new baby to arrive,
but can't believe the first eight months of the pregnancy have gone by so
quick! Daddy is excited to greet the new baby also so mommy can be done being
pregnant, because being pregnant is hard work! Not too much longer!”
Mommy is feeling: Stressed, overwhelmed, and cranky. Between me working full time, Chad working
full time plus school which is coming up on finals, me being super pregnant and
fairly uncomfortable, and having to take on most of the work at home, not to
mention a cranky toddler due to teething, I am way super stressed. I can’t wait until finals are over so that I
can feel like we have a regular work load to balance. I’m also fighting this feeling of wanting the
next couple months to go slowly so that I can savor our last little bit as a
family of three, but also wanting time to hurry up so we can stop being in
limbo and officially start “the next phase.”
Workouts this week: Ha. I
have no idea. We have been on a couple
walks. I did do pre-natal yoga on
Saturday! Between ligament pain, an
extended chest cold, teething, and general exhaustion, I haven’t been able to
muster the energy to work out in the mornings.
I was kicking so much ass at this point in my last pregnancy, but I try
to tell myself that hanging out with a toddler *HAS* to be a work out unto
Books I'm
Reading/Media I'm Ingesting:
Bite: How We Learn to Eat, by Bea Wilson. So far, I am really enjoying this book,
which delves into how we as humans pass on the knowledge of eating from one
generation to another, and how things have changed so drastically in the past
hundred years or so in this new era of plenty.
I’ve also been watching the Gilmore Girls
intermittently and Chad and I have been watching House of Cards, but we’re
almost done with the most recent season.
There are several podcasts I’d like to catch up
on, but I have been reading in any quiet moments I have, and the rest of my
time is taken up by crazy toddler!
Looking forward to:
We have an appointment with our midwives on
Wednesday, and we are supposed to go over our “Ideal Birth Plan,” which Chad
and I have both written one from our own perspectives. Chad’s is a story and mine is like a 5 paragraph
essay with a lot of reflection on the previous labor and birth. I like how Michael Jordan and knitting
somehow make their way into Chad’s birth plan J I think we both included marathon metaphors,
of course J
Chad’s 50K (!!) is on Saturday and we’ll be
staying at my parent’s near Akron this weekend, so that should be a fun trip!
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