How far along? I was 31 week on Friday (4/01) and am
currently finishing my 31st week.
Total weight gain: 28 pounds so far. I started out at 133 and currently weigh
161. Hoping to gain no more than 9 more
size/development this week: OMG, the
baby is almost FOUR POUNDS and over 19 inches long!!! Oh yeah, at our last appointment at 31 weeks,
the baby was apparently still in breech position. Fewer than 5% of babies assume the bottom
down position by full term, so I’m hoping this thing flips in the upcoming
weeks! The midwives were not concerned…
Maternity clothes: I’ve started noticing that some of my “maternity”
shirts are starting to get small or are having a difficult time covering my
whole stomach. Yikes.
Miss anything? My pelvis not being sore. Not having to make sure my stomach is too big
to squeeze through certain Running.
Food cravings: Nothing in particular. Maybe a hamburger.
Anything making
you queasy or sick? Nope!
Sleep: No one in our house is currently sick! We are sleeping like champs for the most
part! Everett has been fighting bed
time, but once we jump that hurtle in the evening things go pretty well. Everett did wake up inconsolable in the night
two nights ago and Chad applied what he calls “Cheese Therapy”. I did wake up to find a partially eaten piece
of cheese in the bed the next morning….
Best moment of the
week: Chasing my husband around
Cuyahoga Valley for his 50K and taking lots of pictures and videos!! Also having an easy week (Chad is not closing
or working insane hours this week) after the insanity of last week.
Nursery: No nursery.
Weddings rings on
or off? On and able to be taken on
and off at any time except for the first hour after I wake up in the mornings.
Belly Button: Still hanging “in” there!
Movement? Every day!
It was doing some crazy stuff in there earlier today and I could see it
moving from the outside. Sometimes I’m
sure that it’s trying to make its exit by kicking its way out of my groin. So pleasant to be kicked in the groin from
the inside….
Labor signs? Lots of Braxton Hicks in the evenings when I
overdo it, but no labor signs as of yet…
Weird pregnancy
thing of the week: The fact that
there are only 8 weeks (at the most) left in the pregnancy is pretty weird.
Daddy is feeling: Busy with finals coming up!!
Mommy is feeling: Ready to get this show on the road!
Workouts this week: I feel that chasing Chad around a national
park on Saturday was a workout unto itself!!
We walked around the block with Everett yesterday after dinner, but I’m
not sure that counts as a work out…
Books I'm
Reading/Media I'm Ingesting:
First Bite:
How We Learn to Eat, by Bea Wilson
The Gilmore Girls
Looking forward to:
The weekend!!
Chad not having some insane run to do on
Prenatal yoga on Saturday.
Maybe some baby cows on Sunday??
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